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Who I Am and What I Do

Vonalee Gilroy - Registered Acupuncturist

Hey there! I'm Vonalee, a registered acupuncturist with a deep-rooted passion for holistic wellness, especially in the world of skincare, hormone balance, and digestion. Since graduating from the Calgary College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (CCTCMA) in 2010, I've been on a continuous journey of growth and discovery, constantly expanding my craft.


I offer acupuncture and skincare treatments to all ages and genders. What sets my approach apart is combining the knowledge of acupuncture with holistic skincare. For me, it’s not just about treating symptoms; it’s developing a connection with my patients and empowering them with knowledge. I strive to create an environment where people feel seen and heard. 


In my treatment room, I use botanical and Korean skincare products that have been carefully selected. Using organic products and following safety guidelines is of utmost importance, and having served as a licensing examiner at the College and Association of Acupuncturists of Alberta (CAAA), I am well versed in best practices in technique and equipment.


Join me on a journey to achieve your optimal health, balance and vibrant skin. 

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